Sunday, April 29, 2007
I have finished the PMP training course
The first thing I would like to mention here is the very professional PMP trainer who conducted the session
Mohamad khalifa from TDI Kuwait run a very helpful a rich training course, the amazing thing about him that he love to give trainings in PMP, he really made the training course unusual, needless to say that he had both practical experience and theoretical knowledge.
Over the 40 hours we covered the complete set of the PMI processes and in details
I would like any person who live in Kuwait to attend this course even if he had 20 years of PM
it Worth it
if any person is welling to register for this training please call me on 6160085
best regards
Bilal Okour, Kuwait
MS Project 2007 Server Lane: Resources' Max Unit
Saying this resource is available 100% means he is a full time resource, less than that means he is a part time resource.
For example, if you have a resource who is available 3 days a week then the Max Units for him/her is 60%. If he/she is available for the whole week then Max Units is 100%
You can enter maximum units as a percentage (50%, 100%, 300%), or as a decimal (0.5, 1, 3).
MS Project 2007 Server Lane: Eps 2 : Resources Types
- Enterprise domain: Means the domain for all projects belongs to the organization, the enterprise might contain one or more projects
- Project domain: means the domain for this specific project
Resources in MS Project Server are divided into three categories
- Enterprise resources: means the resources belongs to the enterprise, this is a difficult choice as it need to make sure that this resource is not fully allocated for different projects. Resources of this type can be shared among the projects.
- Local or project resources: resources dedicated only for this specific project
So, me personally I can build my team from the enterprise resources but I don’t like the idea of having shared resources as a lot of conflicts will take place accordingly
Thursday, April 26, 2007
MS Project 2007 Server Lane: Eps 1 : Quick installation tips
- Windows 2003 (with the latest SP)
- IIS 6 or above
- DotNet 1.1 (for some features you need to have 2.0 also installed)
- MS Sql 2000 or 2005 with the latest SP
- Don't forget MS Project Server 2007
- I also installed MS sql 2005 to be used with MS Project Portfolio Server 2007 (not yet installed)
The installation went smooth and it is a matter of wizards which you just need to keep the defaults as is and go ahead
I have done and I noticed that the installation of Project Server 2007 installed also the WSS to be used to create the Projects' sites
Note: As usual WSS when installed occupied the port 80, so make sure that you are not running any web application on this port, if you have the only solution is to move them to new port
The server that I selected to be used as Project Server 2007 had a production web site, (I knew about it but that was the only server that I had). I created another virtual directory under the Share Point Site and selected "Redirect to URL" as the location of the directory
So, now I have everything is running and ready for the next step
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
MS Project 2007 Server Lane: Intorduction
As I have been asked to search & research for the best PM solution that provide us with our complex and unique requirement
Our project is a country level one and it needs a strong PM solution that can span over all the PM processes and knowledge areas.
I have selected MS Project 2007 and to frankly speaking I found it at the beginning a complex thing that I need to spend too much time drive it to our organization. Once I started with it I found it very easy and very huge at the same time.
For those who know the concept of PM will know how good this software is
In the next series I will record my daily experience day by day
Best regards
Monday, April 23, 2007
Welcome to my PM Road
Welcome to my blog, the one that I would like to make it a daily register of my growing experience in this field.
As I called it "PM Road", this blog will guide as a road for whom who will start their new stage in the career life as me.
This road has multiple lanes, at the beginning I will consider two lanes,
- PM theory as stated by PMI
- MS Project as a great IT tool to implement the Management Information System
So, for each post, i will be market to which lanes the post belong, PM theory or MS Project
So, let me start the first step in the 1000 mile road
I hope this will help the others who selected to come to this road
Bilal Okour