Hi folks
I really love gong back to programming if I could manage to get the chance to do so
Today I was completely impressed by this article I read from Project Programmability blog
if you have time you can read it
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
Ms Project, the road that lead to the real managment
Hi folks
I really love gong back to programming if I could manage to get the chance to do so
Today I was completely impressed by this article I read from Project Programmability blog
if you have time you can read it
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
let me answer the first question: why to split a Task, the answer for this is
For the second question How??
To split a Task do the following
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
In this post I will explain the steps required to make your Database Server (I am talking about SQL 2000) ready for MS Project 2007 Cube Building
1) Verifying and Installing Analysis Services SP4
2) Adding the Queue service account to the OLAP Administrators group
3) Granting the OLAP Administrators group permissions to the SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services components
4) Grant permissions to the SQL Server Analysis Services service account to access the Project Server Reporting database
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
New SQL 2005 Reporting Service Report Pack for Project Server 2007 has been released
Follow this link to download
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
If you are asking about the differences between different editions of MS Projects 2007 then I can till you that there are three different editions
If you are interest in knowing the different features each is providing then I recommend you to read this article from Microsoft
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
Another great post for leaders and managers
Bilal Okour
I read this from Microsoft Project 2007 Team blog and would like to share it with you as I found it very useful
here we go
Group By, It's Great! (http://blogs.msdn.com/project/archive/2007/11/30/group-by-it-s-great.aspx)
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
Hi again
As you might noticed that MS Project assumed (by defaulting) all tasks are efforts driven, what does this mean?
It means when MS Project do scheduling then it will maintain the Work value the same. Now you remember my equations in one post, if not I will put them again
Black color indication that MS Project will maintain the value of that field fixed when rescheduling
As per the options 1 and 2 you noticed that we fix either Unit or Duration.
By selecting the Effort Driven option the following should be considered
I hope this will help you
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
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Best Regards
Bilal Okour
Till me, what do you call a Camcorder, a material or work resources , ok
another question, what do you call the Video Tapes being used in this Camcorder? a material or work resources?
Regardless of what was your answer here is the correct ones
Camcorder is a work resource, are you using this resource for one time only, then it is not a material resource
Video Tape is a material resource, because it will be consumed
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
If you are working in multi-projects organization and want to share some resources among projects then the only way to do so is to use Resource Pool.
you can use resources from different projects without using the resource pool but the resource availability can not be controlled for both projects as there is no common information about the resource is shared between them
So, adding the resource to the resource pool will help you in
MS Project provide Enterprise Resource Pool as a solution for this issue, to access the ERP you can open MS Project professional 2007 and go to Tools ==> Enterprise Options ==> Open Enterprise Resource Pool
if you want to add more resources to your ERP then go to Toos ==> Enterprise Options ==> Import Resources to Enterprise
Some notes about ERP
Best Regards
Bilal Okour
Resources: The people, equipment, and material that are used to complete tasks in a project.
Assignment: When you assign this specific resource to a task then it become an Assignment
Best Regards
Bilal Okour