Tuesday, December 18, 2007

MS Project 2007: More talks about resources

When adding a resource to your project or to the enterprise you should understand the following so that you can deal easily with Add Resource dialog box


Resource name  Shows the name of the selected resource.

Initials  Shows the resource's initials or other abbreviation that identifies the resource.

Email  Specifies the resource's e-mail address.

Group  (Important for later on) Specifies the group to which the resource belongs. If you enter a group name, you can sort resources by group or apply a filter to show information about specific groups.

Code  Specifies a code for the resource, such as a cost center code.

Booking type

Proposed  Specifies that the addition of this resource is considered tentative.

Committed  Specifies that the addition of this resource is considered definite. This is the default booking type.


Work  Select this resource type for people, equipment, or facilities that are assigned to a task and are not consumed during the task. This is the default.

Material  Select this resource type to track consumable resources, such as steel, that are to be used in the fulfillment of the project.

Cost  Select this resource type to track budgetary items, such as travel costs, that are not dependent on the amount of work or the duration of a task.

Material label  If this is a material resource, this box becomes available. Enter the unit label for the material resource. For example, for lumber, you can enter Linear Feet, to track linear feet of lumber for the project.

checkbox (you can say they are attributes)

Generic  Specifies that the resource is an account of skills required for a task, rather than an actual resource.

Budget  Specifies that the resource is a budget item.

Inactive  Indicates whether the resource has been deleted or otherwise removed from the resource pool (resource pool:  


Available From  Enter the resource's start date for the current level of maximum unit availability. If NA is entered in the Available From field, this means that the resource's starting availability is the same as the project start date.

Available To  Enter the resource's finish date for the current level of maximum unit availability. If NA is entered in the Available To field, this means that the resource's ending availability is the same as the project finish date.

Units  Type the number of maximum units available for this resource during the period of time specified in the Available From and Available To fields.  

Best Regards

Bilal Okour


Unknown said...

Greetings.This is good information.Leaving many assumptions away.Can you please help me understand what is Baseline Cost,Actual Cost, Remaining Cost and Total costs?I am entering costs in the project and the Baeline and totals show blank.

Bilal Okour said...

The baseline is nothing but your initial cost provided that you have baselined your project

Remaing Cost: At the begining, the remaining cost is the same as the Cost because there is no Actual Work reported by the resources.
After Actuals from resources are reported then Project Server calcualt the Remaining Cost as the following

Remaining Cost = (Remaining Work * Standard Rate) + Remaining Overtime Cost

Total Cost: Cost + Overtime Cost

I hope this can help