Friday, February 1, 2008

MS Project 2007: Examples about Tasks Types

A lot of project mangers using EPM solution are keeping asking me about giving examples to illustrate the different types of MS Project 2007 Tasks Types

Here I am trying to give some examples

Fixed Duration

  • The football match will take 90 minutes to finish
  • Flying from Kuwait to Amman will take 1:30 hour to complete regardless of the number of the passengers inside and regardless of the number of aircrafts flying at the same time
  • The woman will take 9 months to deliver, you cannot divide this work for two resources (she and her girl friend)

Fixed Work

  • You are required to enter 2000 records into an application, each record will take 5 minutes and you will pay (or get paid) per record.
  • You are required to floor 100 square meters of one building, each square meter will take 30 minutes.
  • You want to install Windows XP on 100 boxes, each box will take 1 hour and you need to pay (or get paid) per each installation.

Fixed Unit

  • You want 1 developer to work 8 hours (100% or full day only) to develop a program
  • You need 5 developers and each to work 20% of their capacities to complete the program
  • You need 5 developers to work 8 hours a day (100% each) to complete the program
  • You need 1 developer to work 4 hours a day (50% or half timer) to complete the program

Best Regards

Bilal Okour

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