Tuesday, December 18, 2007

MS Project 2007: Resource availability


This is a very important note where every PM should be aware of, please read it carefully

Resource availability does not prevent you from assigning a resource to work beyond a period of availability or assigning more work than resource time available. Instead, Microsoft Office Project 2007 uses these availability values to calculate when resources are overallocated and flags the resource accordingly. A resource is considered overallocated when the sum of all assignment units for a given period exceeds the resource's maximum units.

Best Regards

Bilal Okour

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hi. Thanks for this comment - it has been unclear as to what exactly resource availability actually does, so your comment clears that up. Do you know if there is there a way of MS Project preventing the allocation of hours over a time period due to a resource taking annual leave over this time, or at least moving the resource along accordingly?